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Brandi Iverson

Light up your life with Lemon Essential Oil

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Do you think sour face when you think lemon? Maybe someone handed you one and you took a bite and never forgot that feeling of sour hitting the tongue.

Well this is not that lemon!

Lemon Essential Oil is so much more than that.

Pure, therapeutic-grade lemon essential oils to use aromatically or combined with other essential oils or bases can really light up your life!

Lemon Essential Oil can be found in both concentrated Droppers, and in the convenient Lemon Essential Oil Spray, which is perfectly diluted for use as a body spray or room spray.


You will want cold pressed from the peel of the Citrus limon plant, which often grows as a shrub or tree.  It takes about 50 lemons to create enough essential oil for each bottle of Essential Oil, making each drop very concentrated and aromatic. Do not use Lemon Essential Oils in water or to drink, ever. Really. That is what one or two whole lemon fruit is for!

Lemon Essential Oil is well known for its sass up your day and feel better uplifting qualities, and is often used to help support the immune system, ward off fatigue, and boost emotions.  Lemon Essential Oil has also been found to help reduce feelings of nausea when used aromatically.

Lemon is a powerful cleanser, too.  Lemon Essential Oil can be used to effectively and easily remove gummy residue off personal items, such as when trying to remove price tags off new purchases.  Use Lemon Essential Oil Spray to refresh trash cans, gym bags, or areas that need purifying and freshening. Lemon Essential Oil also works great added to your natural household cleaners and laundry detergent.

 Several scientific studies show many benefits of Lemon Essential Oil to the skin due to their antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antiseptic qualities. (Reference)  Keep in mind, however, that Lemon Essential Oil can create photosensitivity in sensitive skin, which means it is recommended to avoid any sun exposure after applying diluted Lemon Essential Oil to the skin.  Always dilute essential oils and never ingest.

Quick Tip! Got Cats?


Add 5-7 drops of JE Eucalyptus Essential Oil to a bottle of JE Lemon Essential Oil Spray for a delightful aroma combination that also works well to deter cats. Spritz areas you want your cats to avoid such as rugs or furniture they may have been using as scratching posts. During the summer months, this also works well in the garden to keep cats and pests away from plants and herbs.

Try Jordan Essentials Pure Cold Processes Lemon Essential Oil. Combine with other Jordan Essential Products such as JE Skin Relief, Unscented Hand & Body Lotion, Unscented Salt Scrubs, and Shea Body Butters.

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Jordan Essentials does not claim to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure anything.  Information provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. Jordan Essentials does not recommend ingesting any essential oils.  Not endorsed by the FDA. Avoid direct sunlight after application to the skin.

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