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Brandi Iverson

5 Fun Ways to End the Summer Strong

If your little ones aren’t back to school yet, whether it be online or virtual, that day is quickly approaching. However, just because back to school time is here, that doesn’t mean those warm, summer play days are gone! Here are 5 ways to make the most of the next month or so of sunny, summer weather with the family.


Pack a picnic and enjoy the outdoors! Keep it simple and healthy by making sandwiches and cutting up fresh fruit and veggies. Our Green & Clean is one of the best ways to clean your produce before consuming!

If you’re wanting to make an entire afternoon out of it, pack up your picnic, grab some activities (kite, frisbee, toy car, jump rope, etc), and head to your local park! If your children are learning at-home virtually, you can squeeze in a picnic at lunchtime by eating in the backyard. Lay down a few blankets and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.

There is nothing quite like an evening spent outdoors as the summer is rounding out. Those cooler evenings are great for a movie night in the backyard! Set up a laptop or go all out and invest in a blowup movie screen and projector that you could use for years to come. Pop popcorn, set up chairs or lay out blankets, and wear your comfiest PJ’s for a movie night under the stars.


Unfortunately, pesky bugs enjoy the cooler evening temperatures just as much as we do, but you can keep them at bay with our DEET free Jordan Essentials Bug Away Spray. For movie watchers 3+, it can be sprayed directly to skin, and younger children can use it on clothes or their surroundings (chairs and blankets).

While our summer days are dwindling, there is still time to squeeze in a few more trips to the pool. If you don’t have a local pool to visit, bring the water activities to the backyard! Hook up the sprinkler, pull out the Slip N Slide, or fill up water balloons! The options are endless!

Always protect skin with sunscreen when spending time in the sun, and afterwards cool and soothe skin with our Exclusive After Sun Soothing Spray and Aloe and Mango Cooling Gel. For sunburns, apply Skin Relief to help nourish skin. For the month of August, you can snag this amazing trio in our Joyful Jordan Box!

Get crafty and creative using items found right in your backyard. This can be an activity for the weekend, or you work it into your child’s at-home school routine! Here are some ways to use nature for an afternoon of crafting.


Spending time outside picking leaves and flowers can trigger allergies for many. If your family struggles with allergies, simply give your clothes and surrounding area a few sprays of our Allergy Blend Essential Oil Spray for relief to continue crafting the day away.

Get active and hike your local park trails or research a waterfall near you. While hiking, play a fun game of Eye Spy! For older hikers, snag a book about the local flora and fauna before your trek, and learn about your environment as you go. Don’t forget to pack snacks and lots of water!

After a day of hiking, you’re going to want to wash up afterwards. Our Cucumber Spa Polish and Activated Charcoal soap are a great duo for rinsing away the dirt and grime from an action packed day outdoors.

It’s important for children to spend time outside being active every single day! We understand that back to school can be busy, but always make an effort to slow down and enjoy the beautiful outdoors with your family.

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