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Brandi Iverson

Home Medicine Cabinet with Jordan Essentials

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The weather is getting colder, and as a result we are spending much more time indoors.  Shifts in temperatures, changes of humidity, kids in school, and many other factors increase our risk of catching a cold, getting the flu, or otherwise getting sick.  Whether you are trying to prevent illness, or looking for relief when you do, Jordan Essentials can help!

Granted, supportive essential oils and botanicals are no substitute for going to the doctor.  When in doubt, contact your healthcare provider. Especially as parents, we want a few things on hand to help our loved ones feel better on their journey to wellness.  All suggestions offered here may help, yet Jordan Essentials does not claim to cure any illness and the following tips are intended as supportive information only.

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

To avoid getting sick in the first place, Jordan Essentials has your back!  Follow these simple tips to support the immune system and reduce the risk of being exposed to nasty bacteria and germs that can make you sick:

The JE Home Medicine Cabinet

Even with the best laid efforts to prevent getting sick, sometimes we still will feel a bit under the weather.  So when that happens, here are a few tips to get back on your feet quickly.

Home Medicine Cabinet Must-Haves

All Resistance Products

All Magnesium Products

Helio Skin Superfood Lotion

Jordan Essentials Immune Blend

Jordan Essentials Tea Tree Essential Oil

Jordan Essentials Peppermint Essential Oil

Jordan Essentials Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Skin Relief Lotion

What are your favorite JE products in your Home Medicine Cabinet and how have you used them?  Comment below to let us know your experiences.

*Jordan Essentials does not claim to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or illness.  Always consult your healthcare professional, particularly if nursing or pregnant. See our article on dilution and essential oil safety for more specific guidelines about essential oils, particularly when using with infants or babies.  Not endorsed by the FDA.

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